Manihiki Magic - A Dining Guide to Manihiki

Step 1 - Catch the fish. Frederick & Isaac showing off with their catch on the jetty When you live in Manihiki you will learn two things. 1)Appreciate probably the most incredible seafood of the world. 2)Be proactive about dinner planning. There are no restaurants in Manihiki, so when you are getting an appetite, you better make sure that you are prepared. Going down the road and picking up a takeaway is not an option! Don't even think about pizza delivery. It is not going to happen. There are also no supermarkets in Manihiki just a few little shops. Tukao has two shops that sell about the same general supplies - sugar, flour and rice - as well as basic food items such as cans, juice, soap and chips. Plus you can always get the latest news at the shop, especially when you meet shoppers who came all the way from Tauhunu (20min boat ride)! Step 2 - Clean the fish in the lagoon. While cooling off at the end of the day. Getting back to our dinn...