Pineapple - Thrives on Neglect

Keanui & Yann feeling the warmth of the Famous Pineapple One twist and she comes off with a slight parting sound. The fruit is still warm from the sunlight. Yann has picked his first pineapple and could not be any prouder! It was a long project for us of many attempts of trial and error. It mostly resulted in error but we finally got it right and our pineapple started taking off. The pineapple is a funny fruit so delicious and tropical, a royal’s delicacy and yet it doesn’t take much else than patience to grow it! When we first set out to grow pineapple, we watered it, weeded around it, fed it. In other words, we really looked after it. It would somehow die, sooner or later. Until one day a friend from Australia told us an Aussie proverb saying: Pineapple thrives on neglect. And neglected it has been!!! Yann and I thought that it was the only thing that we had not tried. So we decided to be really really mean to our pineapple and not even look at ...